TKG PACT Review #1
September 1, 2023
TKG PACT LinkedIn Product Page
October 31, 2023After witnessing years of confusion in the life science industry, The Kinetix Group (TKG) surveyed senior leaders representing health systems and payers that partner with pharmaceutical companies.
Here is what we heard:
"The larger the health system gets, the more difficult it is to make decisions. You just want to get to ‘go,’ but there are so many people who weigh in, and it’s not well-defined who is the true decision-maker. Some decision-makers have no business making decisions, and it’s not always clear who says ‘yes, let’s go.’" – Chief of Innovation
So, we developed an optimized business structure and tools to help life science account teams meet the needs of their evolving customers.
The result: TKG PACT.