Plan an engagement strategy that shows you know customers better than they know themselves

Plan an engagement strategy that shows you know customers better than they know themselves


pre-engagement due diligence to identify the
voice of the customer

A strong, cross-functional account plan reviews external healthcare personnel (HCP) partners, factors in local pharmaceutical marketplace dynamics, and understands the current healthcare delivery landscape. 

Great plans also evaluate patient population vulnerabilities through the lens of disease prevalence and social determinants of health.

Petauri Kinect offers various cross-functional account planning resources, informed by industry best practice.

Sample resources:

  • Governance meeting process maps
  • Key decision-maker insights
  • SWOT analyses

Taking it to the next level:

We utilize a scoring rubric to encourage the quality of the plan and organizational alignment with both external and internal teams. The scoring rubric helps inform what actions to take and outcomes to expect. 

The organizational plan can be supported and executed by all.